Saturday, October 16, 2010

Wow words

In the comment box write a list of wow words to describe the image (3 wow words per person)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Posting comments

O.K all I've finally sorted it. To post a comment click comment then type in what you want to write/say. Next click the Comment as: drop down box, and click on Name/URL. Next type in your name and in the URL field add our address: Then click Post Comment a word verification will appear just type in the word. YEAH!


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Where in the world?

O.K lets kick start off our thinking about our theme and focus with a couple of questions...
  1. What do I know?
  2. What do I want to know?
  3. What do I wonder?
Add in your responses...

Welcome to Term 4

What an exciting term ahead, I hope everyone had a great holiday and made the most of the sunshine to get outside and enjoy themselves. Over the two weeks we will be gathering our gifts together ready to place in our Christmas Boxes. No doubt a child out there in the world, who is less fortunate than us, will be having a great Christmas when they open one of our boxes.

The Theme for this term: WHERE in the world?
Our Focus: Globalisation

Other activities happening this term:

  1. Country Challenge (independently or with a partner)
  2. Athletics 
  3. Art from different continents 
  4. The last couple of Technology Challenges
  5. Weekly Math Challenges
  6. Music
  7. Final of Flags from last term
  8. High Flyer Assembly week 4
  9. and so much more......